Why do I feel worse than I used to the morning after?

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This can be attributed to your Glutathione levels naturally decreasing as you age*. Glutathione is known as the “master antioxidant”, tirelessly working to keep your liver healthy. Consuming alcohol creates oxidation and temporarily drops your glutathione levels, making alcohol metabolization less efficient. L-cysteine is the precursor to glutathione, converting into glutathione in your body. A dose of Myrkl helps to increase those glutathione levels so that when you drink, your body is prepared to metabolize alcohol.

How Myrkl Works

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Myrkl is activated in the gut before alcohol reaches the liver. The liver then breaks this down into Acetaldehyde. Alcohol broken down into water and carbon dioxide. No-to-low Acetaldehyde & Acetic acid produced by the liver. Produces acetic acid. Acetic acid is responsible for the ill-effects of alcohol in your body. Alcohol broken down and feeling refreshed with Myrkl.

Up to 70% of alcohol broken down with Myrkl after 60 minutes

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  • The patent-pending formulation in Myrkl is AB001™ – the first formulation in human history to show promising results in breaking down alcohol effectively before it reaches the liver.
  • AB001™ is a mix of proprietary high performing biotic bacteria enriched with L-cysteine and vitamin B12.
  • Unlike many other alcohol health supplements, Myrkl is clinically tested. A published clinical study* demonstrated that AB001™ breaks down demonstrating how AB001™ breaks down acetaldehyde before it reaches the liver.
  • The biotic bacteria AB001™ helps grow in the gut metabolise up to 70% of alcohol within 60 minutes after consumption, and 50% of alcohol within 30 minutes after consumption.
  • Myrkl is designed to protect your liver and help you avoid the after-effects of responsible drinking.
  • Myrkl is natural and vegan.
  • For best results, two capsules should be taken before drinking – as was the case in the clinical study.